Julia Diederich Diplom Kommunikationsdesignerin (FH) RSS ProfileEntriesNetwork 5Contact Degree Diplom Designer (FH) Industry sectors Illustration Typo/layout Corporate design 7 Imprint Showcase Visitenkarte Romy Linden4 imagesbuddY E.V. – familY-Programm – Illustrationen15 imagesSaint Louis – Wandgestaltung6 imagesBlutegel und TCM4 imagesSardinien ’911 imagearbeitssuchend1 imagethe sea1 image1Leute4 images4saw16 imagesflyer8 images1(me and jules)22 images1der Anruf1 imageshoot my ears!5 images About Julia Diederich IllustrationBuchgestaltungPackagingLayoutLogoCorporate DesignMusikartwork InDesignPhotoshopAdobe IllustratorScribblesMalereiIllustration Contact Diplom Kommunikationsdesignerin (FH) Address Julia Diederich D-51103 KölnGermany Contact person Julia Diederich Contact Contact form Email Information only network Profile address dasauge.de/-julia-diederich Web juleswashingmachine.com Tel 30/06/2010 (updated 29/06/2016) Julia Diederich’s network Kenneth Shinabery Lead Creative that moved from New York City to Germany. Düsseldorf (Germany) 18/09/2012 Sabine Abstoß Online-Redaktion Berlin (Germany) 07/03/2012 Julia Staron Kultur &-Eventmanagement, Künstlerin, Kunsthistorikerin (M.A.) Hamburg (Germany) 20/02/2011 Sandra Schunn Diplom Kommunikationsdesignerin // Art Direktion Cologne (Germany) 20/09/2010 Ina Worms Illustratorin und Kommunikationsdesignerin Cologne (Germany) 04/07/2010 Invite to my network… See also Designers in Cologne (Germany) Share Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Spread the word via email