Lale Yarar Mediengestalterin Design und Print RSS ProfileEntriesNetworkContact Operative since 1999 Industry sectors Advertising Typo/layout Corporate design About Lale Yarar Erstellung von Flyern, Plakaten, Anzeigen, Logos am Mac und an Windows-PCs bis zur Druckvorstufe. Texten, Korrekturlesen, Konzeptionierung. HTML-Kenntnisse, u. a. Gestaltung von Internet-Sites in Dreamweaver. Contact Mediengestalterin Design und Print Address Lale Yarar D-47166 DuisburgGermany Contact person Lale Yarar Contact Contact form Email Information only network Profile address Tel Mobile 25/06/2009 Lale Yarar’s network No contacts at present Invite to my network… See also Agencies in Duisburg (Germany) Share Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Spread the word via email