Irene Sackmann Corporate Design | Editorial Design | Illustration RSS ProfileEntriesNetwork 5Contact Degree Diplom Operative since 2007 Industry sectors Illustration Typo/layout Corporate design Showcase Corporate Design9 imagesEditorial Design7 imagesIllustration6 images Contact Corporate Design | Editorial Design | Illustration Address Irene Sackmann Gerichtstraße 23, Hof 3, Aufgang 2, Etage 4 D-13347 BerlinGermany Contact person Irene Sackmann Contact Contact form Email Information only network Profile address Web Mobile 0179 1492048 24/09/2010 (updated 21/05/2014) Irene Sackmann’s network Marie Bauer freiberufliche Grafikdesignerin Berlin (Germany) 21/05/2014 Zellmer Illustrationen, Skizzen, Grafiken, Ideen und Gestaltung, Bildbearbeitung Berlin (Germany) 20/11/2013 Never Mind The Umlauts UG (haftungsbeschränkt) —WIR ÜBERSETZEN, ENTWICKELN UND GESTALTEN— Berlin (Germany) 26/08/2011 Kathrin Frank Illustration, Design Regensburg (Germany) 21/04/2013 Winter, Frank Motion Graphics Designer 2D/3D Berlin (Germany) 24/09/2010 Invite to my network… See also Designers in Berlin (Germany) back Share Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Spread the word via email dasauge Other accounts Login with your account at… …or OpenID: Register Forget your login? My profile Showcase Network Invite Profile link Search agents Members area Logout