Dea Dantas Vögler
Designer | Art Director | Design Thinker


About Dea Dantas Vögler

I am a berlin based Designer, Design Thinker and Art Director.
For the last six years I have worked in various fields.
I am consciously not devoted to any specific medium.
What matters to me is finding the right way to solve every challenge.
I work best when working in a team.

Design can help you do various things.
Make ideas tangible, build identities, change mindsets
or behaviours, tell stories, explain processes…
To me, figuring out what is actually needed
is an essential part of the job.

I like to work on ideas rather than just surfaces.
To question, explore, observe, understand, and if needed
go over it again and again.
I want to design in a holistic way, work in interdisciplinary teams.
Make things work. Make things matter.
I want to know more.


Designer | Art Director | Design Thinker
Address Dea Dantas Vögler
D-10969 Berlin
Contact person Dea Dantas Vögler
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