Self-promotion for the Creative Person

Self-promotion for the Creative Person

For artists, writers, musicians, actors, crafts-people and freelancers in every field, Lee Silber presents creative ways to generate the buzz that brings the gigs, customers and clients.

In a book that blends the insights of The Artist’s Way with “guerrilla marketing” know-how, Lee Silber unveils the crucial secrets to attracting attention and getting jobs without pain, embarrassment or a huge outlay of money. Designed for everyone from starving artists to up-and-coming superstars, Self-Promotion for the Creative Person is packed with winning strategies, proven marketing techniques and innovative ideas, including tips on – Networking with hotshots in your field. Creating marketing materials that will act as a sales force when you’re not on The scene. Designing a website that will stand out from the competition.

The author of two highly popular guides for creative people, Silber knows what makes these right-brainers tick – and what turns them off. Tailored to this market, the techniques and encouraging words in his newest book are solution-orientated and allow the flexibility right-brained people thrive on.
