Michael Kuhlmann
- Programming
- 44 miles
iOS App-Entwickler / Head of Product / Interims CTO / Product Guy /Mobile
iOS App-Entwickler / Head of Product / Interims CTO / Product Guy /Mobile
Art, Design, Artistdesign, Kommunikationsdesign, Grafik-Design, Corporate Design, Fotografie, Bildbearbeitung, Photocomposing, Porträtmalerei, Text, Imagination, Kalender, Calendar, Calendario, Kunstkalender
Komik, Satire, urbane Interventionen, kulturelle Bildung
Fotograf / Webentwickler / Video
Video-Produktion, Editing, Compositing, Grading, DVD-Authoring, Tracking, VFX
Freelance Kommunikations- und Sound- Designer
Kommunikationsdesigner: Motion Design und 3D Artist