Abegayle ElmesWeb Graphic Designer Adobe SuitePhotoshopIllustratorIndesignAfter EffectsPremiereXdCinema 4DProcreate 105 Grove Road SM1 2DB 30/06/2020
Alex DamianovicEditorial Senior Graphic Designer – 20 years experience graphicdesigndesignerretouchphotoshopadobecreative cloudillustratorbrandprintphotoinfographictypographypressindesignfreelanceremote London E8 1BY 14/04/2020
Thomas AlthausWeb freier Trainer/Dozent: Flash, Dreamweaver, Golive, Photoshop, HTML, CSS Kenilworth CV8 1AS 17/01/2008
Leon ArmstrongEditorialAdvertising media graphic & digital printing, scanner. Photoshop United Kingdom B44 8NB 24/09/2009
Jhon WrightEditorialAdvertising I am the Chief Executive, DTP & Photo Expert. PhotoshopPhoto EditingClipping Path LOndon TW1 3QS 17/03/2016
Harry TierneyAdvertising I work at a web hosting company—web design seo company javaphphtml5wordpressphotoshopwoocommerce Birmingham B37 7YN 23/03/2019
tinkl IllustrationWeb Illustrationen & Textkreationen LogodesignPhotoshopIllustratorAquarellmalereiTierportraitsDigitale IllustrationenTextenKorrektoratLektoratDeutschEnglischWebdesignHomepage-BaukästenContent-Management London SW17 8JJ 09/06/2020 (updated 10/06/2020)
The Metro Web UKWeb Web Development and Digital Marketing Services | UK wordpressphotoshopphpshopify 48 Floral Street WC2E 9DA 08/09/2023
Wilson, KellyWebAdvertising Website designer at RiverODP Adobe 1 Honeysuckle Ave BN27 4FP 23/01/2020 (updated 07/06/2024)