Argh… Should I use JPEG, GIF, Tiff or PNG in my site?

4 postings:



wo quick questions for you my little freeeends.

1. Which of the these formats (JPEG, GIFF, TIFF, or PNG) should I use on my portfolio webpage. It’s graphic intensive, but not in the cluttered way, and I don’t want it to take forever to load but want it to show my true colors and sharpness. So, the question is, which one offers the best size/quality ratio?

2. I’m new to webdesign and I was wondering how used PNG’s are in the website world? Do most browsers read and support PNGs?

Please Help.

I didn’t find the right solution from the internet.

Kubikova, Desana


We used the usual Jpeg and it worked pretty well. It depends what kind of works you publish, I think

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Freya Henry

Henry, Freya


The blogs you produce are really of good quality. I love to read your writings and shall come again to check out the latest posts.

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