Wetpour Repair Limited
Wetpour Repair Limited

Wetpour Repair Limited

About Wetpour Repair Limited

Wetpour Repair Limited is a specialized company focusing on the maintenance and repair of wetpour rubber surfaces, commonly used in playgrounds and sports facilities. They offer services such as damage assessment, surface reparation, and preventative maintenance to ensure safety and durability. Their expertise covers fixing tears, re-bonding loose areas, and resurfacing faded or worn sections. Key entities in their industry include EPDM rubber, polyurethane binder, and safety standards compliance. Their solutions are tailored to schools, municipalities, and recreational centers, emphasizing non-toxic repairs and quick turnaround times to minimize downtime and ensure regulatory compliance.


Wetpour Repair Limited
Address Wetpour Repair Limited

Liverpool UK 29160
United States
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Web wetpour-repair.co.uk

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