Tihomir Zdjelarević
Sound designer/ Ambient music composer/Modular synthesizer player


About Tihomir Zdjelarević

I make music using a small modular synthesizer, guitar and a bass guitar. Combining these instruments, I create ambiental music, followed by psychedelic soundscapes. My live perfomances include improvisations and modulation of the sounds without any computer processing.

Experience (Sound design-freelance):

  • Croatian Rugby team Lokomotiva, promo video, Zagreb, April 2017
  • Sound design for defensive towers in the forthcoming PC game Nanobotic, Frozen Pixels Studio, Slavonski Brod, Croatia


Sound designer/ Ambient music composer/Modular synthesizer player
Address Tihomir Zdjelarević
D-12049 Berlin
Contact person Tihomir Zdjelarević
Contact Contact form
Email tihozdjelarevic@gmail.com
Profile address
Web soundcloud.com/tihomir-zdjelarevi