oliver plath photography beauty, fashion, fine art RSS ProfileEntriesNetwork 8Contact Employees 1/freelancer Industry sectors All-round Fashion/people Portrait 48 Imprint Showcase 5Villa Gatow9 imagesEliza4 images2Beautiful Chanelle3 images10Berlin – Fest der Schönheit13 images1Suzana14 images28color12 images2satin2 imagesGiulia @ Superficial4 imagesque la lumière soit6 imagesTrixi Fauck19 imagesSpeak Up!11 imagesLéonce7 imagesVsya Evropa7 imagesbeauty6 imagesprojections12 images About oliver plath photography Fotograf Beauty, Fashion, Fine Art sowie diverse weitere Felder BeautyFashionPortraitPeopleKidsInterior DesignOfficeWorkProductsFine Art Contact beauty, fashion, fine art Address oliver plath photography Waldemarstraße 42B D-10999 BerlinGermany Contact person Oliver Plath Contact Contact form Profile address dasauge.de/-oliverplath Web www.oliverplath.com Tel +49-30-23630937 17/06/2006 (updated 23/03/2024) oliver plath photography’s network Vesna Pejak Hair Makeup & Nail Artist Hair Make up Nail Artist Berlin (Germany) 21/02/2016 7snaps Marktplatz für Fotoshootings aller Art Munich (Germany) 16/11/2014 Sylvia Schwarzer Maskenbildnerin Berlin (Germany) 16/11/2014 op media – oliver plath media design op media – oliver plath media design Berlin (Germany) 07/05/2014 Stefanie Härtwig Photographer & PSD Artist, High-End-Retoucher, Graphic Designer Berlin (Germany) 07/05/2014 Luna Leung I am a model, an organic cosmetics producer and an aspired raw vegan chef! Berlin (Germany) 07/05/2014 Joerg Brunsendorf Graphic Design und Photography Berlin (Germany) 05/07/2013 Luka Balint HAIR & MAKE UP ARTIST Algueirao (Portugal) 11/10/2012 Invite to my network… See also Photographers in Berlin (Germany) back Share Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Spread the word via email dasauge Other accounts Login with your account at… …or OpenID: Register Forget your login? My profile Showcase Network Invite Profile link Search agents Members area Logout