Lisa Brenner Illustration & Comic RSS ProfileEntriesNetwork 6Contact Operative since 2012 Industry sectors Illustration 4 Showcase 4Kinderbuch15 images About Lisa Brenner >>>Auf unbestimmte Zeit ausgebucht!<<<Kinderbücher und Comics! IllustrationComicZeichnungKinderbuchJugendbuchPhotoshop Contact Illustration & Comic Address Lisa Brenner D-67705 StelzenbergGermany Contact person Lisa Brenner Contact Contact form Email Information only network Profile address Web 09/09/2014 (updated 12/07/2019) Lisa Brenner’s network Savina Petkova Illustration / Storyboard / Comic / Editorial Münster (Germany) 07/02/2017 Clara Vath Illustration & Design | Fantasy, Buchcover, Jugendbuch, Concept Art, Sci-Fi, Handlettering, Character Design, … Dresden (Germany) 04/05/2016 Ines Korth Illustration, Comic, Design Langenfeld (Germany) 20/11/2014 Patrick Deza Illustrator & Entertainmentdesigner Friedberg (Germany) 20/11/2014 Lisa Rau Illustration, 2D, 3D und Animation Leverkusen (Germany) 20/11/2014 Frauke Weinholz Illustrationen für Kinderbücher, Sachbücher, Comics, Manga, Charaktere, Editorial, Erklärfilm und Animation Ratingen (Germany) 21/10/2014 Invite to my network… See also Designers in Stelzenberg (Germany) Share Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Spread the word via email