Jana Koslovski Grafik, Layout, Typografie, Konzepte, Illustration, RSS ProfileEntriesNetworkContact Degree Master of Arts Operative since 2010 Industry sectors Illustration Typo/layout Editorial Imprint Showcase freie Illustration3 images(a) Freie Illustration1 image About Jana Koslovski Ich arbeite an der Schnittstelle von Design,Kunst und Architektur, stets zusammen mitdem Kunden. Dabei erschließe ich mir gernneue Räume und Blickwinkel. Adobe Creative SuitPhotoshopInDesignIluustrator Contact Grafik, Layout, Typografie, Konzepte, Illustration, Address Jana Koslovski D-04229 LeipzigGermany Contact person Jana Koslovski Contact Contact form Email Information only network Profile address dasauge.de/-janakoslovski Tel 24/09/2014 (updated 25/07/2024) Jana Koslovski’s network No contacts at present Invite to my network… See also Designers in Leipzig (Germany) Share Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Spread the word via email