Jaber AlAzmeh
Photographer & Film Maker

Jaber AlAzmeh


About Jaber AlAzmeh

BA in Visual Communications. DOP and Managing partner at dow photography

Works have been exhibited in many solo and group shows in Berlin, Paris, London, Brussels, São Paulo, Dubai…
Works covered in major international publications such as New York Times, LE MONDE diplomatique, Canvas, Huffington Post…
Works acquired by notable collections like Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Deutsche Bank Art Collection, and the British Museum.

Directed and executing photoshoots for advertising campaigns and corporate photo libraries for international advertising agencies such as Ogilvy, MC Saatchi, LeoBurnett… And for international brand names such as Vodafone, Uber, Chevrolet, Qatar Airways, Hamad International Airport… to name a few.

Established one of the leading photography companies in Qatar (dow photography) managing and supervising a team of photographers, videographers, and video editors on the technical and creative levels

Photography teacher and lecturer for five years at the International University of Science and Technology IUST


Photographer & Film Maker
Address Jaber AlAzmeh

D-63069 Offenbach
Contact person Jaber AlAzmeh
Contact Contact form
Email jaber@jaberalazmeh.com
Profile address
Web www.jaberalazmeh.com
Tel +49 152 526 72127
30/05/2020 (updated )