Femme Fraktale Fanzine FFF#0 release
Irene Keller


Femme Fraktale Logos

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  • Femme Fraktale Flyer und Banner – Fanzine Release Veranstaltung
  • Femme Fraktale Fanzine #0
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FFF FemmeFraktaleFanzine
ART DIRECTION: Logos, Illustrations, Flyers, Banners
Ausgabe #0: Vorstellung unseres Statements

FemmeFraktale is an independent and international
crea (c) tive women‘s collective focusing on the arts.
Its actions are dedicated to encouraging exchanges within the creative sphere, influenced by self-organising DIY-to-DIT practices.
Highlighting the multifaceted talents of women across a spectrum of varying disciplines, it aims to share valuable practical, aesthetic, ethical and logistical resources, approaches and solutions that provide a platform for creative interactions and exchanges between female artists in order to raise funds for selected women’s organizations while also ensuring the future of the project.
We are inspired by fractal geometry, its terminology and different theories developed around this topic that involve science, technology and the very manifestation of nature.

Therefore this is our vision: Femme as (re) generator of a pattern based on self similarity although keeping its own distinctiveness.
