Flo Smith
…candid & pure reportage photography, with a decent pinch of rock ’n roll!

Flo Smith


About Flo Smith

My name is Flo Smith and I’m a documentary photo- and cinematographer,
struggling through life with diagnosed (F84.5) Aspergers Autism Syndrome
in conjunction with a savant in photography and an intellectually giftedness.
The asset of my work is a solid, reliable & dedicated reportage photography,
captured with an analogue attitude, free from any photoshop bric-à-brac’s
and in true frame…

“photographic nomads” is a heart-blood project
with the ambition to live mostly on the road,
chasing together with my dog“Moidl”
the decisive photographic moment!

To be able living on the road and stay
in a region for a indeterminate period,
is increasing the chance tremendously
to be“in the right place at the right time”
and pushing my photographic productivity
to a very next level.

If you wanna find out more about this project
and how to support us, please visit my homepage.

Instagram: @photographic.nomads


…candid & pure reportage photography, with a decent pinch of rock ’n roll!
Address Flo Smith
A-6020 Innsbruck
Contact person Flo Smith
Contact Contact form
Profile address
Web www.photographic-nomads.com
20/12/2016 (updated )