black & white Benita Bacon RSS Profile Benita BaconEntriesNetwork 3Contact Schutzanzug | acrylic on canvas last next 1 Der Strich, die Zeichnung und damit das klare Schwarz auf Weiss sind die grundlegenden Elemente meiner Arbeit. Schutzanzug | acrylic on canvas dream/reality | digital drawing Eichhörnchenkönig | digital drawing Handpuppen sind nur so gut wie ihre Freunde | digital drawing Tall man character study | digital drawing Cockeyed Cletus | page 4 | comic illustration | digital drawing Keno the rent-man | first strope | comic illustration | digital drawing character study | digital drawing Son of the gun | character study | digital drawing back Share Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Whatsapp Spread the word via email dasauge Other accounts Login with your account at… …or OpenID: Register Forget your login? My profile Showcase Network Invite Profile link Search agents Members area Logout