Erika Ehrlich
Make up Artist & Hair Stylist

Erika Ehrlich


About Erika Ehrlich

Erika Ehrlich is a professional and enthusiastic Make up Artist & Hairstylist with a passion for Nature and Sustainability. After her Education as a high qualified beautician she felt more and more attracted to work as a Make up Artist and so she studied at the MUD School in Berlin. Since then she worked for Celebrities, Photographers, various Brands, Movie & TV Productions and as national Make up Trainer. She is a Teamplayer who likes to travel and exploring the world and its secrets, with a passion for fashion, colors and authentic styles.
Lets see how far we can go.

Stephan Flad- Fotograf + Aurelie Bastian- TV Köchin, Autorin + Victoria Beyer/ Bloggerin, TV Moderatorin + Ze Manel – Sänger (Portugal)
Theresia Fischer – GNTM Model + Heiner Lauterbach – Schauspieler + Sarah Mühle – Bloggerin, CEO Werbeagentur + SPD – Parteivorsitz
Kreativ&Söhne – Kreative Digital Agentur + LG – Elektronik Konzern + Rohwerk – Werbeagentur + B con D – Marketing Conculting Agentur
AOK – Gesundheitskasse + Volksbank – Unternehmen + SRH – Hochschule Gera + Muse and Mirror – international Photographer Team
Kiristian Scheffler – Fotograf + Richard Lehmann – Fotograf + Bildermanufraktur – Fotografen Team + Schleifenfänger – Vintage Brautmode
Proakademie – Hair&Make up School + Radomhouse München – Verlag
and many more…


Make up Artist & Hair Stylist
Address Erika Ehrlich

D-04317 Leipzig
Contact person Erika Ehrlich
Contact Contact form
Profile address
09/03/2017 (updated )

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