The Yom Kippur Attack – One Year Later – WJC
Event Photographie Detlev Schilke


Ismet Tekin, owner of“Kiez Döner”, at the memorial wall for victims of the Halle synagogue attack inside the restaurant.
Photo © Detlev Schilke / WJC

  • Ismet Tekin, owner of“Kiez Döner”, at the memorial wall for victims of the Halle synagogue attack inside the restaurant.
  • At the Kiez Döner Kebab Restaurant in Halle, Germany, Gila Baumöhl, WJC-member, leaves a note and pays respect to the victims.
  • Members of WJC-delegation pays respect to the victims of the 2019 Yom Kippur attack in Halle.
  • Dr. Felix Klein, Beauftragter der Bundesregierung, hinter dem Redner: Eugen Balin, Jüdische Gemeinde in Hamburg
  • Max Privorozki, President of the Jewish Community of Halle
  • Die Synagoge von der Strasse aus gesehen
  • Shalom – Graffito mit Händen und Kerze auf der anderen Seite der Strasse gegenüber der Synagoge
  • Bouquet of flowers fallen over by the wind next to the entrance door of the synagogue.
  • Drei Steine liegen auf dem Mauervorsprung neben der Tür zur Synagoge
  • Dr. Maram Stern, World Jewish Congress Executive Vice President, speaks from the bimah of the synagogue in Halle
  • The microphones of the speakers in the synagogue are replaced because of Covid 19.
  • Max Privorozki, President of the Jewish Community of Halle, speaks from the bimah of the synagogue in Halle, Germany
  • Dr. Felix Klein, Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für jüdisches Leben und die Bekämpfung von Antisemitismus
  • Dr. Maram Stern, Executive Vice President of the World Jewish Congress
  • Dr. Felix Klein, German Federal Commissioner, meets with members of the World Jewish Congress Jewish Diplomatic Corps
  • Gila Baumöhl ist Mitglied des WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps und leitet dort die Interest Group on Holocaust Legacy.
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The Yom Kippur Attack – One Year Later
World Jewish Congress September 29, 2020, event in Halle, Germany

To mark the one-year anniversary of the 2019 Yom Kippur attack on Halle, Germany, to mourn the deaths of the victims, and to push for concrete action to fight antisemitism, the World Jewish Congress brought together Jewish community and government leaders in Halle for a small, socially distanced event at the synagogue in Halle on the day after Yom Kippur this year, September 29, 2020.
PHOTO CREDIT for all photos: Detlev Schilke / WJC
