Catilustre * S Zeichnerin, Illustratorin, malerin RSS ProfileEntriesNetwork 2Contact Operative since 2007 Industry sectors Illustration Packaging Industrial/product design 5 Imprint Showcase 2Grußkarten4 imagesSummer in the City2 imagesFairy Bugs3 imagesLiebe usw1 image2Berlin sketches12 images1Illustrationen von Catilustre12 images About Catilustre * S Illustration und Malerei.Skizzen bis zu vollendete Zeichnung mit klassischen Technik: Aquarell, Bleistift, Tusche. Auch sehr gute Kenntnisse in Photoshop. PhotoshopStory BoardArchitektur SkizzenSkizzenBook CoverComicIllustrationMalereiAquarellCharakter DesignBoard Artist Contact Zeichnerin, Illustratorin, malerin Address Catilustre * S Information only network D-12045 BerlinGermany Contact person Catilustre * S Contact Contact form Email Information only network Profile address Web Tel Information only members 24/03/2010 (updated 20/11/2014) Catilustre * S’s network Sanjini Redmond Illustratorin / Designerin Berlin (Germany) 04/04/2011 Meikel Neid Manuelle Illustration, Analoge Karikatur, Texte Berlin (Germany) 14/03/2011 Invite to my network… See also Designers in Berlin (Germany) Share Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Spread the word via email