Assess Candidates
Technology company, creating science-based assessments to help assess and select candidates.

  • Founded in 2013
  • Employees 10—19
  • Imprint

About Assess Candidates

At Assess Candidates we create science-based pre-employment tests and assessments to help HR and recruiters to assess and select the best candidates first time, every time.
Our team of Chartered Scientists and Psychologists ensure we have the most fair and robust screening psychometric recruitment assessments for your hiring campaign, helping your candidates stay longer, perform better and remain happier.
Our key benefits:
Easy to use HR and Manager dashboards and reports
Seamless applicant tracking system for bias free hiring
Engaging recruiter tests with best practice cut-offs
We work with many large organisations in business and public services to ensure they select the best candidates using science-based pre-employment assessments.
We provide the following range of ready-made screening assessments and bespoke solutions. And our expert wizard gives you the power to easily and confidently select screening assessments relevant to your needs.
Psychometric Tests for Recruitment
Aptitude Tests for Candidate Screening
Screening Numerical Reasoning Tests
Screening verbal Reasoning Tests
Screening Logical Reasoning Tests
Situational Judgement Tests for recruitment
Personality Questionnaire for recruitment
Video Interviews for candidate recruitment
BART Game Assessment—Assess candidate’s propensity to take risk.
I-EQ™ Game Assessment—Gauge a candidate’s ability to recognise emotional expressions.
MathBubbles™ Game Assessment—Measure a candidate’s mental arithmetic.
MTA-Tray™ Game Assessment—Evaluate candidate’s multi-task and prioritising skills.
Flanker Task Game Assessment—Determine candidate’s selective attention and regulation of multiple cognitive functions.
Cognition-M™ Game Assessment—Consider a candidate’s short-term memory.
Cognition-A™ Game Assessment—Look at a candidate’s ability to attend to competing information.
PassCode™ Game Assessment—Determine a candidate’s resilience and focus.
All our recruitment tests are presented on a fully GDPR compliant platform, creating an enjoyable experience that candidates will associate with your brand.
We also provide professional reading materials, to help decide which tests you need for your recruitment needs:
Numerical Reasoning Tests for Recruitment
Logical Reasoning Tests for Recruitment
Verbal Reasoning Tests for Recruitment
Personality Tests for Recruitment
Situational Judgement Tests for Recruitment


Technology company, creating science-based assessments to help assess and select candidates.
Address Assess Candidates
6 Queen Street
6 Queen Street HD1 2SQ
Great Britain
Contact person Brandon Shah
Contact Contact form
Profile address
Tel 08452690027